Tuesday, December 8, 2009

115 days to go!

I am now in the last few months before the MDS and I am beginning to feel a bit nervous! When we went to New Zealand last month we bought some of the equipment that would be needed for the raced. One of the most important components of the race is your diet as you need to maintain your calorie intake to ensure you have enough fuel to take you through the duration of the race.

The MDS requires you to provide your own food form 4th April 2010 to the 10th April 2010 inclusive. The stipulate you carry no less than 14 ooo k/calories, so a minimum of 2000 k/calories per day otherwise you will be penalized and not having enough calories is also a risk.

I have bought some Back Country Cuisine freeze dried food - http://www.backcountrycuisine.co.nz/bcc/ that will make up some of my main meals.

I have also bought One Square Meal that will serve as breakfast http://www.onesquaremeal.com/productinfo.html

The rest of my meal pack will be made up from dried meat and fruit, 2 Minute noodles and pre-cooked oats! As I start making up my foodpacks for the race I will post some more info on how i have done this.